News archives

NEW S-SERIES HP TYRE CHANGERS Wednesday 27 September 2017

NEW S-SERIES TYRE CHANGERS We are proud to inform you that after a successful launch at the 2017 Autopromotec Exhibition, we are now pleased to announce the start of production of the new range of Table Top Tyre changers “S” series. The “S” series is now available for models: HP441SHP641SHP643S During the development process of […]

“ALIGNER CONNECT” Application for Butler Wheel Aligners Tuesday 23 May 2017

We are pleased to inform you that you can now use the ALIGNER CONNECT APPLICATION without any need of a dedicated router/access point between the wheel aligner and the device (smartphone/tablet) by uploading our alignment software version and higher. The ALIGNER CONNECT APP is compatible with all our 3D/WS/WD wheel aligner series whether new, […]


Since the business regarding motorbikes is becoming more and more important, in order to put you in a position to get all opportunities offered by this market, we are glad to inform you about the launch of a specific motorized Bike Balancers new series. The LIBRAK328BIKE balancer can be easily mounted on a work bench […]


We would like to inform you that our instruction manuals related to all our wheel alignment products are now included in the USB key supplied with each aligner. Please note that the CD / DVD support is no more available and all literature will be included in the USB support which is an integral part […]

Butler espone le attrezzature nel nuovo show room permanente di Torino Thursday 6 April 2017

Nel weekend dell’11 e 12 marzo CFSA, partner esclusivo di Butler, ha esposto nel suo “Porte aperte” le macchine più innovative del noto marchio di attrezzature per gommisti e non solo. L’apertura di questa nuova area espositiva rappresenta uno dei tasselli più importanti nel… Continua a leggere:…

Happy Gomme, il network di Tufano Monday 20 March 2017

5 negozi operativi, più uno prossimo all’apertura e grandi progetti per il futuro. Si presenta così il network Happy Gomme, di proprietà di Salvatore Tufano e fratelli, con sede a Pomigliano d’Arco, in provincia di Napoli. Il progetto Happy Gomme è nato nel 2014… Continua a leggere:…

Butler – VSG incontra la forza vendita Monday 6 March 2017

Lo scorso gennaio presso lo stabilimento di Butler si è tenuta l’annuale Riunione Vendite Italia, a cui hanno partecipato agenti e clienti, per condividere gli ottimi i risultati del 2016 e per definire, insieme alla Direzione Commerciale, le linee guida e gli obiettivi per l’anno in corso. La riunione, che ha toccato i punti principali […]

Butler: Memory e ELX in anteprima Wednesday 4 January 2017

Butler ha presentato in anteprima la nuova serie Memory con la quale introduce una nuova funzionalità nella gamma Aikido. Grazie a un pulsante, è infatti ora possibile memorizzare la posizione dell’utensile, rendendo la macchina ancora più automatica per le operazioni di montaggio e smontaggio. Adesso la serie Aikido Memory è inoltre ancora più robusta e […]

Info ALPI technical degree course, stages in Butler Wednesday 23 November 2016

Some information about the event to be held in Butler on Thursday, November 24th. It starts from an invitation received in mid-September last year by President ALPI, to give our support in the final step of the first experimental training course for technical managers for PTI (Periodicat Testing Investigation) meeting the requirements of Roadworthiness Directive […]

LIBRAK340TOUCH VIDEO Wednesday 23 November 2016

We are glad to announce you that a new demo video for our Librak340 Touch is available at the following e-link: The video is also featured on our website at the following address:   A short demonstration of the most commonly used programs of the machine is always welcome by the end users […]

NEW LOGIC40LL UPGRADED VERSION Monday 14 November 2016

We would like to draw your attention to our newly revised electro-hydraulic 4 post lift with flat runways LOGIC40LL.This new version of the lift features wider platforms to ensure the possibility to load every small and large vehicles, following the requests of most car manufacturers.The platforms will be installed at a fixed distance to allow […]

Primo corso sull’assetto autocarro con Butler per Pirelli Supertruck Friday 11 November 2016

Martedì 4 ottobre, si è svolto a Rolo (RE) presso la sede e con la collaborazione di Butler, il primo corso sull’assetto dell’autocarro dedicato ai Supertruck, ossia la rete di specialisti autocarro cui Pirelli dedica le proprie migliori iniziative di marketing e commerciali. Continua a leggere:…


We would like to draw your attention to our new CISOR TY series truck scissor lifts. This type of scissor lifts introduces a new lifting technology to our heavy duty range. The specific Y type geometry of the lifting part of such scissor allows the operator to have a better access underneath the platforms/underbody of […]

Butler New WebApps Tuesday 25 October 2016

We are extremely pleased to introduce new Butler WebApps to have access to several Butler multimedia contents at any time via mobile device or via computer. Butler WebApp for Android and iOS Discover the new Butler WebApp to connect to our site and get even more quickly all the contents we have to offer, […]

NEW LEAFLETS AVAILABLE Friday 7 October 2016

We are pleased to inform you about the availability, both in print and in digital form, of the following catalogues, relating to the new series and models introduced in the last months in the Butler range.By clicking on the thumbnails, you will have access to the PDF file on our web page.Moreover, if you intend […]

Aikido Memory, la nuova serie smontagomme leverless di Butler Tuesday 26 July 2016

A completamento della propria gamma di smontagomme leverless (senza leva), Butler ha presentato in anteprima alla fiera Reifen la nuova serie Aikido Memory, che verrà lanciata ufficialmente alla fiera Automechanika di Francoforte. Aikido Memory evolve la gamma implementando la tecnologia “memory system” […] continua a leggere su:

Europneus giugno 2016 Wednesday 13 July 2016

  Las demanda de desmontadoras de neumáticos se incrementó durante el pasado año. Las ventas funcionaron a un buen nivel gracias a la recuperación de la economía, a un mejor acceso a la financiación y también por el mayor interés del taller de mecánica tradicional […]  

Reifenpresse – „Menschen, Ideen, Produkte“ Für Butler war 2015 ein Rekordjahr Friday 24 June 2016

Das abgelaufene Geschäftsjahr war für den italienischen Werkstattausrüster Butler bezogen auf den Umsatz das bisher beste in der Unternehmenshistorie. Im Jahre 1988 gegründet, erzielte man 2015 Verkaufserlöse in Höhe von 32 Millionen Euro, erklärt Jan Michael Ristori, der als Gebietsverkaufsleiter für den deutschen Markt verantwortlich zeichnet. Keep reading: